Personal Exhibitions
2017 - "Memorias Colectivas", as a special guest representing Cuba, Vintage Gallery, Quetzaltenango, Guatemala
2016 - "Tome Coca Cola" El Mejunje Gallery , Cultural Center El Mejunje, Santa Clara.
2015 - "The Beauty Cinic", Hermanos Saiz Gallery, Santa Clara.
2012 - "Miniaturas frente al abismo", El Mejunje Gallery, Cultural Center El Mejunje, Santa Clara.
Collective Exhibitions
2015 - "De lo real a lo complicado" Renacimiento Gallery, Quemado de Güines, Villa Clara
2015 - "Salon de estudiantes y Profesores", Public local Gallery , Santa Clara
2015 - "4" Portico AHS Galerie, Santa Clara
2012 - "Reflejo de un pensamiento", La Casona de la AHS, Santa Clara
2011 - Exhibition for the 50th Birthday of the Cuban Revolution, Public local gallery, Santa Clara
2010 - Student Exhibition, Portico AHS Gallery, Santa Clara.
Personals projects
2016 - "Dentro del Juego" Project, Danse Center, Santa Clara.
2012 - Collaborative wall mural - gift to the Santa Clara City.
Studies and Diplomas
Arts Studies
Profesional Academy of Arts "Leopoldo Romañach" Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba.
Speciality: Painting
Wanda Fraga Sanchez de la Campa
Born in Santa Clara in 1994
Lives and works in Santa Clara, Cuba